Base Metrics

From OntoMetrics
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Base Metrics comprise of simple metrics, like the counting of classes, axioms, objects etc.

So it shows the quantity of ontology elements.

The difference between the count metrics and the total count metrics is, that the total count metrics takes account of imports from other ontologies.

For these Metrics we chose:


Axioms are basics statements of an ontology, they are used to obtain information about classes and properties. Thus they are used to connect classes and properties identifiers to their specification.


Classes in ontologies are concepts, these classes can contain other classes or individuals. In OWL is generally a Thing-Class, which is a universal class, so every user defined class is a subclass of the Thing-Class.

With this metric we count the classes, including the thing-class, to create a view on the quantity of classes.


Individuals are the instances of the classes, so they represent the actual object. This metric counts these instances, one class could have a set of instances.


In OWL there are two types of properties:

Object property

Object properties link individuals to individuals.

Data property count

Other then the Object properties the Data properties link individuals to data values (literals).

